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Haere mai

Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust

200-year Commemoration of

Ko te onamata o Te Uri o Hau, he apakura i te 300 toa neke atu i riro i Te Ika a Ranganui.  Ko te inamata, he whakakotahi i a Ngāti Whātua me ngā iwi o Te Tai Tokerau ki te poroporoaki i rātou mā i hinga. He reoreo, he apakura, he mōteatea te tangi,  kia au nei te moe. Kia kōkiri ki mua, kia uaki ki tua me Pokopoko Whiti-te-Rā te koke ki anamata. Our past was in grief for the over 300 warriors of Ngāti Whātua lost at The Battle of Te Ika a Ranganui in 1825. The coming together of all of Ngāti Whātua and the different iwi of Te Tai Tokerau to acknowledge our tūpuna lost 200 years ago happened in our present time on March 15th in Kaiwaka. Taking on attributes from our tūpuna will propel us to our future. A fitting tribute to our past, in our present and looking forward at a future filled with promise, working together to a united Ngāti Whātua.Join us in marking a momentous occasion – the 200-year Commemoration of Te-Ika-ā-Ranganui.

Nā Reno Skipper, Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust Chair


E ngā iwi o ngā hau e whā e noho ana i runga i ngā motu nei,
Aotearoa, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, katoa.


Te Uri o Hau is a Northland hapū of Ngāti Whātua whose area of interest is located in the Northern Kaipara region.


Te Uri o Hau descends from Haumoewaarangi through Hakiputatomuri, who is the tribe’s founding ancestor, and includes people who affiliate to ngā marae tūturu: Ōtamatea, Waikaretu, Ōruawharo, Arapaoa.


The tribe has settled its historical grievances with the Crown and is developing the future for its people with many more stories to be told. This website will tell some of those stories and we hope you enjoy your journey here with us.

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