The Hapu
The Hapu
The Hapu
The Trust
Ko Taiawhio Wati tōku ingoa, he uri tēnei nō Waihaua marae.
Ko Matiu Heretini Wati tōku Pāpa, ko Taiawhio Tamihana Matiu Wati tōku ‘Granma’.
My passion abounds in enhancing the wellbeing of Te Uri o Hau through kaitiakitanga o te taiao. Our collective wellbeing is underpinned by the mauri of our natural environment. We must be transformative in this space to ensure a fruitful and culturally enriched future for our next generations.
I am currently employed as a planner with Kaipara District Council. I hold a BA Honours (1st Class) in Social Policy, a Postgraduate Diploma in Planning, and I am currently completing my Masters in Resource and Environmental Planning. Previously, I worked in the shearing sheds as a cook, rousy, presser and shearer.
My diverse skill set will support the development of creative and innovative strategies to deliver positive outcomes to strengthen our hapū.